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The house at the Via della Pergola |
On October
3rd, 2011, the
Appeal Court of Perugia acquitted
both Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, thereby overturning the convictions
handed out by the original court in 2009.
prosecution thereupon lodged an appeal against these acquittals with Italy's highest court, the Court of
Today, that
court quashed the Appeal Court's ruling, referring the case to another
appellant court - one in Florence - to be handled further.
The Court of
Cassation has not yet substantiated today's ruling. It will do so in the next
90 days. Until the ruling has been substantiated, it is impossible to know why
the court felt that the appellant court had erred. It is also impossible to know
whether such errors can reasonably be expected to result in a different ruling
to be given by the Florence court.
In a series
of articles posted here in 2011 (and called, collectively, The Trial In Perugia), I have attempted to offer some insight into
the case and its legal setting. I've discussed the original court's ruling
(leading to the convictions) at some length, but I have not yet spent all that
much attention to the Appeal Court's findings.
today's ruling, it's clear that this case is far from over. It is also clear
that, for reasons as yet unknown, the Appeal Court's decision cannot stand
and a new verdict will have to be given.
As a
result, it's extremely tempting to re-examine the case and give some very
preliminary thoughts on what the Court of Cassation's reasoning might have
been. That's what I'll be doing in this new series of articles.
To start out, I'll
be discussing one of the most intriguing aspects of the entire case: the
break-in. Did the murderer (or murderers) of Meredith Kercher gain entrance to the apartment
by breaking into an upstairs window? Or was the break-in staged?
To my mind,
the answer to these questions constitute the heart of the case. After all, if
one assumes an actual burglary took place, there can be no compelling reason to
assume either Amanda's or Raffaele's guilt. Conversely, if one assumes the
break-in was staged, it seems very difficult to assume their innocence.
From a more
legal point of view, the question arises whether the Court of Cassation overturned
the acquittal (in part) because of the Appeal Court's reasoning with regard
to the break-in, or whether it based its decision on different grounds.
A final introductory word here: I'll be repeating a number of things already raised during the earlier series. I apologise; it's not to be helped.
A final introductory word here: I'll be repeating a number of things already raised during the earlier series. I apologise; it's not to be helped.
The Red Flag Paradigm
There is a
book called The Crime Classification Manual. I understand it to be a more or
less standard textbook on various aspects of the classification of violent crimes.
following is a quote from this manual:
An offender who stages a crime scene usually
makes mistakes because he stages it the way he thinks a crime scene should
look. While doing this, the offender experiences a great deal of stress and
does not have time to fit all the pieces together logically. Inconsistencies
thus begin appearing at the crime scene, the forensics and with the overall
picture of the offence. These inconsistencies often serve as red flags for
staging and prevent misguidance of the investigation (...)
Several important questions need to be asked
during crime scene analysis. First, did the subject take inappropriate items
from the crime scene if burglary appears to be the motive? (...)
Second, did the point of entry make sense? For
example, an offender enters a house by a second-story window, despite the
presence of easier, less conspicuous entry points.
Third, did the perpetration of this crime pose
a high risk to the offender? In other words, did it happen during daylight
hours, in a populated area, with obvious signs of occupation in the house
(lights on, vehicles in the driveway), or involving highly visible entry
There is,
in other words, a red flag paradigm. If one were to apply this paradigm to the
case of Meredith Kercher, what happens?
Well, one
might firstly remark that, in our case, nothing was actually stolen. A window
was broken in one of the girl's rooms on the second floor of the house. It was Romanelli's
room, and that room had clearly been ransacked. Nothing, however, had been taken.
No jewellery or other small valuables (which could easily have been slipped
into a pocket or bag) were missing; there was a laptop, but it wasn't taken
That, it
seems to me, is the first flag waving.
there is the point of entry. It seems to make little sense to enter the
apartment via Romanelli's window, since doing so would have been cumbersome and
such an entry could easily have been seen by anyone passing on the street outside.
It should be remembered that a much less conspicuous entry point was available
via the balcony at the rear of the house, a fact that Rudy Guede (assuming he
was the burglar) would have been aware of. More important still, however, is
the question of why Guede would have wanted to break into the second-story
apartment in the first place. If he was going to burgle the house, why not try
the ground floor first?
Another red
flag, surely.
the high-risk factor. A great deal has already been said about the risks - and
difficulties - of gaining entry through Romanelli's window, but I'll
nevertheless repeat some of the more interesting points here. First, however, another
If Guede
broke into the apartment when Meredith was already home, it seems likely that
he must have noticed that the lights were on in the apartment. This alone would
seem to make any burglary attempt prohibitively risky. After all, breaking into
a second story apartment when one might more easily and safely break in on the
ground floor seems curious enough, but doing so when the lights are on upstairs
but not downstairs is not realistically conceivable. In other words, this alone
might well cause the third red flag to be hoisted.
There is,
however, more to consider. It should be remembered that the break-in would have
required Guede to climb up to Romanelli's window to open the shutters, to then climb
back down to throw a rock through that window, and finally to climb back up to
enter the apartment. (It could be argued that this "double-climb" may
not have been necessary if the shutters were open to begin with, or if they
could have been opened from the terrace on the second floor, but these are
notions the appellant court does not seriously entertain.) Given the location of the window
and the time of the break-in (roughly nine o'clock, or perhaps a little later, at
night), there were obvious risks involved. The endeavour becomes even more
fraught with danger if one considers that the burglar, when first attempting
the climb, has no way of knowing whether he will actually be able to open the
window at all, since he wouldn't know if the shutters would open (and, even if
he thought they would, he wouldn't know whether the window might have the added
protection of additional inside shutters, or "scuri".) As for the climb itself, the burglar probably
was helped by the presence of a nail attached to the wall which he used as a
support. Again, though, he probably would not have been able to see the nail
from the ground in the dark, let alone know that it would hold his weight.
In other
words, such a break-in seems very risky indeed. This warrants the third red
flag, I'd say.
So, all
told, there seem to be clear initial signals that the break-in was staged.
A major
problem that furthermore arises with regard to the burglary is one of timing. It
is an issue that, to my mind, has not been dealt with conclusively by the Appeal Court, but that nevertheless seems vital. The question is: when could an
actual burglary have taken place? And to phrase this a little more relevantly: did Guede enter the apartment before or after Meredith Kercher had returned home?
If Kercher
was already in the apartment when Guede came in through the window, it seems impossible
that she would not have been aware of this. She would have heard the window
breaking and Guede climbing inside; she would have heard him ransacking the
place. And if she were aware of the break-in, she must have reacted to it in
some way. She might, for example, have locked herself in her bedroom and called
the police. Alternatively, she might have left her bedroom to see what on earth
was going on. None of these things happened, however; Kercher was attacked in
her own bedroom (the door had not been forced open) and she put up no struggle
to speak of. No call was made to the police.
Then there
is the problem of the bathroom. We know that Guede used the larger of the two
bathrooms (situated fairly close to the front door), since he didn't flush and
his faeces were found in the toilet. If he entered the apartment when Kercher
was already home, one would assume that
he went to the bathroom after having attacked and killed Kercher. That doesn't
make sense, though, given the fact that, at that point, Guede would have fled
the apartment as quickly as possible (to use the appeal court's own words). He
certainly wouldn't have taken the time to use the bathroom, but not the time to
steal whatever he could. There is,
besides, the fact that traces of shoeprints
were found, leading away from Kercher's room and towards the front door;
as far as I know, this trail of prints seems to exclude the possibility that
the person walking made a detour towards the bathroom.
alternatively, Guede broke in when Kercher was not yet home, one must assume
that, for whatever reason, she did not at first realise that a burglary was
taking place. This is again hard to imagine, but it might possibly be explained
by assuming that Guede, having entered the apartment and starting to ransack
Romanellli's room, decided to use the bathroom, in which case Kercher may not
initially have been aware of his presence. However, in such a scenario, one
would assume that Guede would in all likelihood have turned the lights on in the
apartment, which in itself might have been enough to warn Kercher. Besides this,
there is the question of Romanelli's door. Was it closed or open when Kercher
returned? Assuming it was closed could explain why Kercher didn't realise the
room had been ransacked, but why on earth would Guede have closed it when he
went to the bathroom? If it were open, and lights were on inside, how is it
possible that Kercher passed right by it and didn't realise it had been
ransacked? (As an aside, I mention that,
according to Amanda Knox's testimony, Romanelli's door was closed when
Kercher's body was found the next day.)
one would have to assume that Guede decided, once Kercher returned, to confront
her. Given the location of both Romanelli's room and the bathroom, he could (if
in either of these rooms) have opted to flee out of the front door relatively
easily. Instead, he must have walked down to corridor to Kercher's bedroom,
where the attack took place. In this scenario, therefore, one must also assume
that Guede turned from a small-time burglar into a sexual abuser and murderer,
and one must assume that this transformation occurred almost instantly and by
happenstance (the trigger, so to speak, being Kercher's return). I'm no
psychologist, but I do find this unlikely.
Then, too,
there is the notion entertained by the Appeal Court court that Kercher was
already partially undressed when she was killed. How does that fit in with the
notion that Guede was already in the apartment when Kercher returned? Are we
to assume that he waited for her to start undressing before confronting her?
But why on earth would he do that?
the timing is important for a reason already mentioned. Kercher returned to
the apartment round about 9 o'clock at night. If Guede were already inside
the apartment, it could be pointed out that the break-in took place relatively early,
at a time when people would generally speaking still be up. Given the method of
breaking in and the visibility from the street, this, too, seems odd.
Traces outside
The Appeal Court
court looks at the fact that no traces were found on the wall that indicated a
climb. It dismisses the absence of such traces as insignificant, however, pointing
to the fact that at one point during the investigation, an attempt was made to
re-enact the climb. The court notes that the person acting out this
reconstruction (who was, by the way, taller than Guede) "easily succeeded
in his attempt at reaching the window for demonstrative purposes, without
bending the nail or leaving other traces on the wall".
Now, there
are various things which could be said about this reconstruction. Perhaps the
most important one would be that it's just too vague to be of any real
importance. "Reaching the window", for example, is not the same thing
as "reaching the window in such a way as to be able to climb into the apartment". The
aspect that interests me here, though, is the fact that the reconstruction left
"no traces", as the Appeal Court notes.
reconstruction took place during the day, and there were obviously a number of
people present. Clearly the ground was dry, or some traces of earth or mud
would have been left on the wall.
The actual
climb, though, would have taken place early at night, when it was dark.
Furthermore, it had rained the day before, and the ground would have been
"very wet" (as both Romanelli and her boyfriend attested to during
the original trial). In other words, there are reasons to assume that whilst
the reconstruction may have been "traceless", the actual climb would
not have been (and this is compounded by the fact that the climb would have
taken place not once, but twice).
It should
also be noted that the police did not find any traces on the ground. There
were, for example, no shoeprints underneath the window. Neither was any glass
found. The latter is, by the way, addressed by the Appeal Court. It states
that "the process of throwing the rock (...) did not make it necessary for
some glass to end up on the outside as well as the inside of the room",
and leaves it at that. This does not appear convincing, especially when one
considers that the burglar, having tossed the rock and climbed back up the
window, would certainly have had to remove bits and pieces of glass in order
not to hurt himself when climbing inside. He would have had no reason
whatsoever to make sure that each and every piece ended up inside the room
instead of outside, on the ground. So even if "the process of
throwing" would not in itself have left glass shards outside on the
ground, the entry into the apartment, in all likelihood, would have.
Traces inside
smoking gun", the Appeal Court finds, for the original court's ruling
regarding the staging of the break-in is the position of the glass inside
Romanelli's room. The glass was on top of all sorts of objects which had been
moved during the ransacking, and that meant, according to the original
court, that the window had been broken after the ransacking took place.
The Appeal Court rejects this on the basis of a very simple supposition: the room was
disturbed by a number of people after the burglary was discovered, and the
"jumble" recorded - including the presence of glass on top of objects
- could well be the result of that disturbance. It does not, according to the
Appeal Court, constitute convincing evidence that the window was broken
after the room had been ransacked. This is, to be frank, an extremely summary
bit of reasoning, especially give the original court's rather extensive thoughts on the matter.
The appeal court's further
When it
comes to the break-in, there are a few further aspects of the Appeal Court's
verdict which should be mentioned, if only to complete the picture.
There is,
for example, the simple assertion that Guede could have broken into the
apartment because he was "agile and athletic enough to play
basketball". Again, this seems to be an overtly summary observation. There
is also the reference to the fact that Guede had wounds on his right hand when
he was arrested. This is also curious, because if he was wounded while breaking
into the apartment, traces of blood would have been left on or near the window.
No such traces were found, though.
Then there
is the reference to Partick Lumumba. The appeal court notes that Amanda Knox's
(false) implication of Lumumba in the crime does not fit with a staging of the
break-in, but its only argument is that Lumumba was "not at all
suited" to be cast in the role of a burglar. That may well be true, but if
the only alternative may have been Guede himself, it's easy to see why Knox
would have chosen Lumumba. It could be pointed out that all implications
regarding Lumumba in the crime were clearly hazardous (after all, Lumumba was
innocent, and it turned out his innocence could be proven).
Grounds for the Court of Cassation?
On the
basis of the above one might well consider the Appeal Court's reasoning with
regard to the break-in to be suspect. All in all, it seems much more
likely that the break-in was staged than that Guede actually committed the
burglary in the manner the appellant court finds feasible.
That does
not, however, mean that the Court of Cassation will have quashed the
appellant court's decision for this reason. In fact, this seems, at first glance, to be quite unlikely.
The reason
for this lies in the Court of Cassation's legal remit. In short, that court has
to decide on matters of law, and not on factual matters. It is, in other words,
not up to the court to weigh the facts and then decide whether it's more likely
that the break-in actually occurred or whether is was staged; its only task
here is to consider whether or not the appellant court's reasoning stands the test
of being sufficiently substantiated.
generally speaking, that does seem to be the case. The Appeal Court's decision
in this regard might not be particularly strong - it could be considered
downright weak, even - but that doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong. It doesn't
mean its reasoning is incomprehensible, let alone nonsensical.
there are two aspects of the Appeal Court's decision which
could well have led the Court of Cassation to quash its ruling.
The first
and perhaps most important of these deals with the way the Appeal Court has handled the break-in in general.
Effectively, it looks at the original court's findings and rejects them. It
does not, however, offer its own exposition of events. It does not, for
example, make any clear observations with regard to the timing of the burglary
(was it before or after Kercher came home?). It does not take into account the
events that occurred right after the burglary. It does not deal in any detail on the (compounded) unlikelihood of the burglary having happened as it must have (the double-climb theory). As such, the Appeal Court's
decision contains rather obvious gaps; the Court of Cassation could well have
found that these gaps are too severe for the acquittals to stand.
The second possibility
is a little more technical. It deals with the broken glass inside the room. The Appeal Court finds that the
room was a "jumble" and that there was glass both under and above
items of clothing and other objects. From this, it deduces that an actual
break-in may well have happened. However, in doing so, it glosses over several
pertinent parts of the original court's deliberations. For example, the
original court based its opinions, in part, on Romanelli's testimony. Romanelli
testified that, when she left the apartment, the laptop was "in its case, standing up". When
she returned - after the burglary - the laptop was "underneath" and
when she picked it up, there was glass on top of it. In other words: the laptop
had been moved, and afterwards glass had gotten on top of it. This means
exactly what it seems to mean: the glass was distributed after the moving of
the laptop. There are only two ways this could have happened: either the window
was broken after the room was ransacked, or, somehow, the glass was already on
the floor but was "re-distributed" at some later moment. It would seem, however, that the latter option
should be excluded, at least in the case of the laptop, since I understand Romanelli was the first to
enter her room.
Given this,
it might be argued that the Appeal Court ignored evidence available to it,
evidence that, it should be added, directly refutes that court's conclusions.
Again, it is possible the Court of Cassation found this a ground for the overturning
of the Appeal Court's decision.
There is one final remark to be made here. It does not concern this particular trial, but rather the trial against Rudy Guede. That trial, too, went all the way up to the Court of Cassation. In its ruling, the court confirmed the guilty verdicts already handed down by the two lower courts, and in doing so, it makes a very interesting remark concerning the break-in:
"And it should also be noted, as the judges of the lower courts have correctly held, that following the murder an activity occurred intended to simulate an attempted theft, which the judges of lower courts and the defence of the same appellant agree was an operation done by others and not by the defendant (...)".
The key word here is "correctly". If the Court of Cassation felt at the time that the lower courts had "correctly" established that the break-in was staged (and even that it was staged "by others" than Guede), then one wonders what its current thoughts might have been.
"And it should also be noted, as the judges of the lower courts have correctly held, that following the murder an activity occurred intended to simulate an attempted theft, which the judges of lower courts and the defence of the same appellant agree was an operation done by others and not by the defendant (...)".
The key word here is "correctly". If the Court of Cassation felt at the time that the lower courts had "correctly" established that the break-in was staged (and even that it was staged "by others" than Guede), then one wonders what its current thoughts might have been.